Buying your home is one of the few really momentous occasions in most people’s lives. You are committing to the most expensive item you will ever be paying on. It’s exciting, stressful, magical, and completely overwhelming. Or at least one would assume its overwhelming.. until you meet Liz Holliday. She is youthful and energetic, but very confident and knowledgeable and seems to have a great reputation and standing with many people in the real estate community. She is extremely kind and intuitive, and anticipates your needs and wants and sees to them before you even know what they are. Most importantly, she has this calm and kind aura that is instantly infectious. There were lots of things that should have been way more stressful than they were during the process.. but seeing Liz take it all in stride made it all seem that much easier. There was a moment when we were well into buying our house and had gotten our home inspection, and I was freaking out. I asked Liz to look at another house with me, “just in case”. She humored me and again, with her completely professional, yet nonchalant demeanor, I was put at ease, and felt much more comfortable moving forward. I really got the impression she is a whirlwind behind the scenes too. I’d get emails from her late at night and way too early in the morning. She works incredibly hard and was always there for any questions/concerns we had. I will never know all the little fires she put out behind the scenes because she made sure we never had to be bothered with them. I found buying my last car more stressful, than buying this house.. and that was done over a couple hours and buying this house was over a couple months. That is without a doubt down to Liz and her team. I can not recommend her enough and am so very grateful for all she has done for us. Thank you, Liz!
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